

影片 影片名稱
桃花開-謝宇威 - YouTube

2017-01-05 翰林 五上 桃花開-謝宇威 - YouTube


蔡幸娟_搖嬰仔歌 -呂泉生詞曲(200505) - YouTube

2017-01-05 翰林 五上 蔡幸娟_搖嬰仔歌 -呂泉生詞曲(200505) - YouTube

懷念年祭--陳建年--2005年歲末總統府音樂會8/12 - YouTube

2017-01-05 翰林 五上 懷念年祭--陳建年--2005年歲末總統府音樂會8/12 - YouTube

2005年歲末總統府音樂會8/12 懷念年祭 相關網站 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/coaaa/5990047 http://btw.typepad.com/blah/2005/12/2005_2.html

Samingad (紀曉君) - Remembering Yearly Ceremony (懷念年祭) - YouTube

2017-01-05 翰林 五上 Samingad (紀曉君) - Remembering Yearly Ceremony (懷念年祭) - YouTube

Samingad (紀曉君), Taiwanese aboriginal singer (Puyuma tribe). Album (1999) : 太陽 風 草原的聲音 [voice of puyuma] http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2005/01...

四月望雨精選第一回《美麗的花都台北》Taiwan Musical "April Rain" Part 1 - YouTube

2017-01-05 康軒六上 四月望雨精選第一回《美麗的花都台北》Taiwan Musical "April Rain" Part 1 - YouTube

鄧雨賢從日本學音樂返鄉,看他如何以激動喜悅的心情,決定要以創作音樂作為志業。 ◎喜愛「音樂時代」作品的朋友,不要忘記按「Subscribe」支持我們喔!謝謝!詳情請見http://aprilrain.allmusic-mag.net

〈乘風破浪〉-羅沙斯 Juventino Rosas - Sobre las Olas - Over the Waves - YouTube

2017-01-05 康軒六上 〈乘風破浪〉-羅沙斯 Juventino Rosas - Sobre las Olas - Over the Waves - YouTube

The waltz "Sobre las Olas" ("Over the Waves") is the best known work of Mexican composer Juventino Rosas (1868--1894); it was first published in 1888. Conduc...

〈乘風破浪〉-羅沙斯 Waltz "Over the Waves" (J. Rosas) - YouTube

2017-01-05 康軒六上 〈乘風破浪〉-羅沙斯 Waltz "Over the Waves" (J. Rosas) - YouTube

Juventino Rosas - Sobre las Olas Central Military Band of the Russian Ministry of Defence.

中華國樂團 《花好月圓》 指揮/黃光佑老師 - YouTube

2017-01-05 康軒六上 中華國樂團 《花好月圓》 指揮/黃光佑老師 - YouTube

美國巡邏兵進行曲 American Patrol March - YouTube

2017-01-05 康軒四上 美國巡邏兵進行曲 American Patrol March - YouTube

號手的假期 Bugler's Holiday - YouTube

2017-01-05 康軒四上 號手的假期 Bugler's Holiday - YouTube

Composer:Leroy Anderson Arranger:Michael Edwards Performer:Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra.

《胡桃鉗》 中國舞曲-茶 Nutcracker Chinese Dance "Tea" - YouTube

2017-01-05 康軒四上 《胡桃鉗》 中國舞曲-茶 Nutcracker Chinese Dance "Tea" - YouTube

We Will Survive(樂團版) - Igudesman & Joo + Kremer & Kremerata - YouTube

2017-01-05 搞笑音樂會系列 We Will Survive(樂團版) - Igudesman & Joo + Kremer & Kremerata - YouTube

Where is the Remote Control? - YouTube

2017-01-05 搞笑音樂會系列 Where is the Remote Control? - YouTube

遙控器又來囉~ To see upcoming performances of Igudesman & Joo visit our website www.igudesmanandjoo.com Our new title for this show is - BEING GIDON KREMER: The Rise and F...

Fasten Seatbelts - Salsa de la Luna - YouTube

2017-01-05 搞笑音樂會系列 Fasten Seatbelts - Salsa de la Luna - YouTube

Watch Aleksey Igudesman's Fasten Seatbelts with special guest Rusanda Panfili live in Vienna on the 12. of May, at the ORF RadioKulturhaus. Get tickets here:...

IGUDESMAN & JOO - I will survive - YouTube

2017-01-05 搞笑音樂會系列 IGUDESMAN & JOO - I will survive - YouTube

小提琴與鋼琴的炫技與搞笑 To see upcoming performances of Igudesman & Joo "A Little Nightmare Music" visit our website www.igudesmanandjoo.com

開聲樂家玩笑~ IGUDESMAN & JOO - Ticket to Ride - YouTube

2017-01-05 搞笑音樂會系列 開聲樂家玩笑~ IGUDESMAN & JOO - Ticket to Ride - YouTube

每次看他唱歌,我就會心情很好~唱歌好快樂啊! To see upcoming performances of Igudesman & Joo "A Little Nightmare Music" visit our website www.igudesmanandjoo.com

神經質的鋼琴課 IGUDESMAN & JOO - Piano Lesson - YouTube

2017-01-05 搞笑音樂會系列 神經質的鋼琴課 IGUDESMAN & JOO - Piano Lesson - YouTube

並不是每個鋼琴老師都這麼恐怖的喔! 但學生琴沒練好的畏縮狀態,演得真是經典 To see upcoming performances of Igudesman & Joo "A Little Nightmare Music" visit our website www.igudesmanandjoo.com

Rachmaninov had big Hands  IGUDESMAN & JOO - Rachmaninov had big Hands - YouTube

2017-01-05 搞笑音樂會系列 Rachmaninov had big Hands IGUDESMAN & JOO - Rachmaninov had big Hands - YouTube

哈哈~彈拉赫曼尼諾夫的曲子,可以靠這個"大手"幫忙.... To see upcoming performances of Igudesman & Joo "A Little Nightmare Music" visit our website www.igudesmanandjoo.com

Mozart Bond  IGUDESMAN & JOO - Mozart Bond - YouTube

2017-01-05 搞笑音樂會系列 Mozart Bond IGUDESMAN & JOO - Mozart Bond - YouTube

莫札特的曲子和007主題曲混在一起,真幽默 To see upcoming performances of Igudesman & Joo "A Little Nightmare Music" visit our website www.igudesmanandjoo.com

小提琴版的大河之舞 IGUDESMAN & JOO - Riverdancing Violinist - YouTube

2017-01-05 搞笑音樂會系列 小提琴版的大河之舞 IGUDESMAN & JOO - Riverdancing Violinist - YouTube

邊跳踢踏邊演奏小提琴 To see upcoming performances of Igudesman & Joo "A Little Nightmare Music" visit our website www.igudesmanandjoo.com